What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files, located in browser directories. They are used by web developers and web development applications to help users navigate websites and perform certain functions on the site such as logging in and adding items to a shopping basket. Because of this, disabling cookies may prevent users from using certain websites or certain functions within websites.
Cookies are created when a user goes to a particular website. The website sends information to the browser which then creates a text file which is stored on the user’s PC. Every time the user goes back to the same website, the browser retrieves and sends this file to the website’s server. Cookies may be created not just by the website the user is browsing but also by other websites that run ads, widgets, or other elements on the page being loaded. You can find out more information at http://www.allaboutcookies.org/.
To find out more about managing cookies in your browser, go to http://www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies/.
How we use cookies
The list below shows the cookies that we use on our site and the reasons for using them.
_ga, _gid, _gat | Google Analytics | This helps us count how many people visit www.trumpers.com by tracking if you’ve visited before.
MCPopupClosed | MailChimp | This cookie is associated with the MailChimp sign up form that will pop-up on the homepage. Will store the value ‘yes’ to prevent the popup being displayed again.
Mailchimp.cart.current_email, mailchimp.cart.previous_email, mailchimp_user_email | MailChimp | This cookie is used to keep track of newsletter sign ups and client emails at checkout, Mailchimp utilises cookies to store information captured from user input for remarketing purpose (to send cart abandonment emails).
Mailchimp_landing_site | MailChimp | This cookie is used to measure which page was visited first at www.trumpers.com
MCPopupClosed |Mailchimp | prevents a popup from displaying again once closed.
Woocommerce_cart_hash, woocommerce_items_in_cart | WooCommerce | This cookies contains information about the cart as a whole and helps WooCommerce know when the cart data changes.
wp_woocommerce_session_ | WooCommerce | This cookie contains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database.
PYPF | PayPal | PayPal uses Cookies to recognise its customers and to shorten the time the user needs to log in to his PayPal account by checking his email on PayPal database.
tk_ai | Trumpers | Used as an anonymous ID if the logged in user is not connected with WordPress.com.
01AI |.abmr.net | Collects anonymous technical information about the user’s browser, operating system, IP address and screen resolution as well as user navigation on the home page.
_AVESTA_ENVIRONMENT | Avesta | This cookie is used when a user subscribes to a newsletter mailing list.